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Alfabet B

"Bagai air di daun talas."
Like water on a taro leaf.
Talas leaves have a thin waxy layer and therefore are quite waterproof.
Meaning: Two different things/people that do not get along.
Sometimes used for a person who does not have a firm conviction.

"Bagai aur dengan tebing "
Like bamboo and the river bank
Meaning: Each is dependent of the other for mutual survival.
See also: "Bagai kuku dengan isi".

"Bagai kerakap di atas batu, hidup segan mati tak mau."
Like a kerakap leaf on a rock, unwilling to live, unwilling to die.
Kerakap is the wide leaf of sirih tree and is extraordinarily resilient and long lasting. However, as with other leaves, once plucked from the tree, it is bound to die.
Meaning: Fighting a losing battle.

"Bagai kuku dengan isi."
Like a fingernail and the flesh beneath.
Meaning: Each is dependent on the other for mutual survival.
See also: "Bagai aur dengan tebing".

"Bagai makan buah simalakama."
As if eating Simalakama fruit.
The story goes that if one is presented with the fruit of Simalakama and eats it, his father would die, if not, mother would die instead.
Meaning: In a no-win situation where all the possible solutions have a terrible or undesirable outcome.

"Bagai mendapat durian runtuh."
Like obtaining a fallen durian.
Meaning: When a durian tree's fruit is ripe, many of the durians will fall to the ground. This proverb refers to someone who has suddenly gained much wealth/ good fortune.

"Bagai menatang minyak yang penuh."
Like carrying a cupful of oil.
Meaning: A person who is extremely cautious in doing something. Often used to describe one's love for a child.

"Bagai pungguk merindukan bulan."
Like an owl craving for the moon.
Meaning: To wish for something impossible.

"Bagai telur diujung tanduk."
Like an egg on the tip of a horn.
Meaning: In a very difficult/ tricky situation. The egg will soon fall and break.

"Bagaikan air dengan minyak."
Like water and oil.
Meaning: Opposite/ clash; do not go well together.

"Berakit-rakit ke hulu, berenang-renang ke tepian. Bersakit-sakit dahulu, bersenang-senang kemudian."
Paddle to the mouth of the river, swim down to the edge. Go through pain or hardship first, then experience fun and happiness."
Often, both couplet are cited. Sometimes just the first couplet. Rafting up the stream signifies arduous effort, swimming (downhill) is the fun and easy part.
Meaning: No pain, no gain.

"Berat sama dipikul, ringan sama dijinjing."
Heavy, we carry together, light, we carry together.
Meaning: Collaboration, sharing of burden irrespective of the weight (through thick and thin).

"Bermain air basah, bermain api hangus."
Playing with water, wet. Playing with fire, burned.
Meaning: Every action has its consequences.

"Bersakit-sakit dahulu bersenang-senang kemudian."
The second couplet of "Berakit-rakit ke hulu, berenang-renang ke tepian."
Meaning: No pain no gain.

"Bersatu kita teguh, bercerai kita runtuh."
United we stand, divided we fall

"Besar pasak dari pada tiang."
The peg is greater than the stake
In camping, pegs for the camp should be smaller than the stakes. It would be a waste if we make the pegs greater than the stakes.
Meaning: Expense is bigger than income.

"Biduk lalu kiambang bertaut."
Hull gets past seaweed gets together again.
Meaning: Like the seaweed that clings to each other after each passing boat separates them, so too a family will come together with the passing of each crisis.
See also: "Air dicincang tak putus"

"Buruk muka cermin dibelah."
Ugly face, the mirror is split.
Meaning: Blaming the wrong reason/cause or creating a scapegoat.

Badai pasti berlalu
Kesulitan hidup pasti akan berkurang dan akhirnya akan hilang

Badai makan anak
Ayah membuang anak karena takut kebesarannya akan hilang .


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