"Kacang lupa kulitnya."
Translation: A nut forgets its shell
This proverb is often used to illustrate a person who forgets where he/she come from (e.g. hometown, family, heritage, etc.)
"Kalah jadi abu, menang jadi arang."
Translation: Loser becomes ashes, winner becomes (burnt) coal.
This proverb is often used to illustrate a lose/lose situation, where both winner and loser gain nothing from the conflict.
"Kalau tak ingin terlimbur pasang, jangan berumah di tepi laut."
If you don't want to get flooded, don't build a house next to the sea.
"Kalo di hutan tak ada singa, beruk rabun bisa menjadi raja."
If there were no lion in the jungle, a blind monkey can be king.
"Karena mulut badan binasa."
Because of the mouth the body is destroyed.
"Karena nila setitik, rusak susu sebelanga."
One drop of indigo stains the whole cauldron of milk.
The word "indigo" here means something like ink.
Meaning: one ill behaviour may cause others to forget the kindness we've done.
"Kasih anak sepanjang galah, kasih ibu sepanjang jalan."
The love from a child is as long as a stick, the love from a mother is as long as a road
Meaning: A mother's love is neverending
"Ke gunung sama mendaki, ke lurah sama menurun."
Together we climb the mountain, together we climb down the hill
Meaning: Together in good and bad times
"Keluar mulut harimau, masuk mulut buaya."
Out from the tiger's mouth, into the crocodile's mouth.
Meaning: To describe a person who has just gotten out from a precarious situation just to get into another precarious situation.
"Kemarau setahun dihapuskan hujan sehari."
A year of dry season (summer) is erased by a day of rain
Meaning: A long dispute has been forgoten by love, or sometimes a long time of goodness has been forgotten by one badness.
"Kepala boleh panas, tetapi hati harus tetap dingin."
Head can be heated but heart must stay cool.
Meaning: No matter how stressed or angry we are, we have to solve a problem with rationale.
Meaning: A dispute can only be resolved by discussing the problem openly and coolly.
"Kepala sama hitam, isi hati siapa tahu."
The hair is all colored the same (black in this case), but no one will know the inside of one's heart
Meaning: A different way of thinking in every person
"Kura-kura dalam perahu, pura-pura tidak tahu."
Literally means the turtle in the boat, pretending not to know.
Meaning: People say it to imply that somebody knows more than he or she is letting on
Candi Rara Jonggrang atau Lara Jonggrang yang terletak di Prambanan adalah kompleks candi Hindu terbesar di Indonesia. Candi ini terletak di pulau Jawa, kurang lebih 20 km timur Yogyakarta, 40 km barat Surakarta dan 120 km selatan Semarang, persis di perbatasan antara provinsi Jawa Tengah dan Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. Candi Rara Jonggrang terletak di desa Prambanan yang wilayahnya dibagi antara kabupaten Sleman dan Klaten. Candi ini dibangun pada sekitar tahun 850 Masehi oleh salah seorang dari kedua orang ini, yakni: Rakai Pikatan, raja kedua wangsa Mataram I atau Balitung Maha Sambu, semasa wangsa Sanjaya. Tidak lama setelah dibangun, candi ini ditinggalkan dan mulai rusak. Pada tahun 1733, candi ini ditemukan oleh CA. Lons seorang berkebangsaan Belanda, kemudian pada tahun 1855 Jan Willem IJzerman mulai membersihkan dan memindahkan beberapa batu dan tanah dari bilik candi. beberapa saat kemudian IsaƤc Groneman melakukan pembongkaran besar-besaran dan batu-batu ca...
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