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Alfabet G

"Gajah bertarung lawan gajah, pelanduk mati di tengah-tengah."
Elephants wage war against elephants, deers die in the midst
Meaning: When prominent persons fights, commoners would suffer.

"Gajah di pelupuk mata tak tampak, semut diseberang lautan tampak."
An elephant on the eyelid can't be seen, but an ant on the other side of the sea can.
Meaning: An egoistic person can't realize his/her own mistakes, but can always find mistakes of others

"Gajah mati meninggalkan gadingnya, macan mati meninggalkan belangnya, manusia mati meninggalkan namanya."
An elephant dies leaves its tusk, a tiger dies leaves its stripes, a person dies leaves his/her name.
Meaning: Someone will be remembered by his/her accolades.

"Gugur satu, tumbuh seribu."
One fallen, thousands blossoming.
Meaning: Suggesting optimistic nature on facing struggle, the same as: "there still plenty of fish in the sea".

"Guru kencing berdiri, murid kencing berlari."
The teacher urinates while standing, the pupil urinates while running.
Meaning: A junior will always mimic/do what the senior does


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Alfabet C

" Cacing hendak jadi naga " A worm want to be dragon Mean : Contemptible man dream like a great man " Carik-carik bulu ayam, lama-lama bercantum juga " Perselisihan antar saudara akan berakhir dengan perdamaian " Cempedak berbuah nangka " Memperoleh lebih dari yang diharapkan .

Alfabet T

"Tangan di atas lebih baik dari tangan di bawah " (Kebahagiaan ada pada memberi) " Tak ada gading yang tak retak ." There is no ivory that is not cracked. Meaning: Nothing is perfect in this world. " Tak ada rotan, akar pun jadi ." No rattans, roots will do. Meaning: If you are desperate, you must not be choosy. " Tak bisa menari dikatakan lantai yang berjungki t." Cannot dance but blame the floor as uneven. Meaning: Blaming the wrong reason. Looking for a scapegoat. Same as: Buruk rupa cermin dibelah. " Tong kosong nyaring bunyinya ." An empty drum gives loud sound. Meaning: A person who talks a lot usually is empty inside (of knowledge). " Tua-tua keladi, makin tua makin menjadi nakal ." The Older, The Worse Meaning: Older but instead of getting wiser, one gets naughtier. Tertawalah, dunia akan tertawa bersamamu. Menangislah dan kamu akan menangis sendirian! (Cape de kalo tiap hari diajak sedihin masalah sepelemu!) Tidak per

Alfabet S

" Sambil menyelam minum air ." Drink water while diving Meaning: Do two things at one go " Sedia payung sebelum hujan ." Have an umbrella ready before the rain Meaning: Always be prepared " Sejelek-jelek pemimpin pasti punya anak buah, sebaik-baik pemimpin pasti punya musuh ." No matter how bad a leader is he/she will have followers, no matter how good a leader is he/she will have enemies. Meaning: There is always someone who loves you, and someone who hates you. " Sekali lancung ke ujian, seumur hidup orang tak percaya ." Once a person cheats in an exam, forever people will distrust him. Meaning: Once you lost the trust of someone, it is almost impossible to gain it back. " Sekali merengkuh dayung, dua tiga pulau terlampaui ." One stroke at the paddle, two and three islands have passed. Meaning: Do multiple tasks at one go. " Sekali bah, sekali pantai berubah " Once there is a flood, the beach will change Meaning: A change of