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Alfabet M

"Malu bertanya, sesat di jalan."
Embarrassed to ask will result in getting lost.
Meaning: Asking question is the only way to learn

"Mati satu tumbuh seribu."
One dead replaced by one thousand.
Used to describe the undying spirit of a movement (for instance during the struggle for independence)
Also: "Gugur satu tumbuh seribu." The word 'gugur' means similar as 'mati' (die), but it usually relates only with dead leaves (when a leaf dries it will fall from its tree) or somebody who dies in honour, like the heroes. Thus, "Gugur satu tumbuh seribu" sounds more patriotic than "Mati satu tumbuh seribu."

"Memancing di air keruh."
Fishing in a murky water.
Meaning: Taking advantage of a murky/confusing situation.

"Memang lidah tidak bertulang."
The tongue indeed has no bone.
Meaning: To describe, with disgust, a person who has no principle, who kept changing what he/she says, who is a big time liar.

"Menang jadi arang, kalah jadi abu."
Meaning: To describe a no win situation
Same as: Bagai makan buah simalakama.
See: Kalah jadi abu, menang jadi arang

"Mengharap burung terbang tinggi, punai di tangan dilepaskan."
Meaning: Expecting something bigger, and we let go what we already have.
Example: A gamble who gamble away his paycheck expecting to win big but ends up with nothing.

"Mengharapkan hujan turun, air di tempayan ditumpahkan."
Eager for the rain to fall, water already stored is thrown away.
Same as: Mengharap burung terbang tinggi, punai di tangan dilepaskan

"Menuhuk kawan seiring menggunting dalam lipatan."
To punch a comrade, to cut inside a fold.
Meaning: To describe a traitor (or traitorous acts)

"Merdeka atau mati."
Freedom or death.
Meaning: We have to fight for our freedom as long as it takes, and we shall not mind the death following our struggle for independence.
That is a very common motto in Indonesian wars against the Dutch colonialisation, usually written "Merdeka ataoe mati", because at that time, 'u' was still written as 'oe', just like the current 'y' was 'j', the 'j' was 'dj', and the 'c' was 'tj'.


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Alfabet C

" Cacing hendak jadi naga " A worm want to be dragon Mean : Contemptible man dream like a great man " Carik-carik bulu ayam, lama-lama bercantum juga " Perselisihan antar saudara akan berakhir dengan perdamaian " Cempedak berbuah nangka " Memperoleh lebih dari yang diharapkan .

Alfabet T

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Alfabet S

" Sambil menyelam minum air ." Drink water while diving Meaning: Do two things at one go " Sedia payung sebelum hujan ." Have an umbrella ready before the rain Meaning: Always be prepared " Sejelek-jelek pemimpin pasti punya anak buah, sebaik-baik pemimpin pasti punya musuh ." No matter how bad a leader is he/she will have followers, no matter how good a leader is he/she will have enemies. Meaning: There is always someone who loves you, and someone who hates you. " Sekali lancung ke ujian, seumur hidup orang tak percaya ." Once a person cheats in an exam, forever people will distrust him. Meaning: Once you lost the trust of someone, it is almost impossible to gain it back. " Sekali merengkuh dayung, dua tiga pulau terlampaui ." One stroke at the paddle, two and three islands have passed. Meaning: Do multiple tasks at one go. " Sekali bah, sekali pantai berubah " Once there is a flood, the beach will change Meaning: A change of