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Menampilkan postingan dari Januari, 2010

Alfabet T

"Tangan di atas lebih baik dari tangan di bawah " (Kebahagiaan ada pada memberi) " Tak ada gading yang tak retak ." There is no ivory that is not cracked. Meaning: Nothing is perfect in this world. " Tak ada rotan, akar pun jadi ." No rattans, roots will do. Meaning: If you are desperate, you must not be choosy. " Tak bisa menari dikatakan lantai yang berjungki t." Cannot dance but blame the floor as uneven. Meaning: Blaming the wrong reason. Looking for a scapegoat. Same as: Buruk rupa cermin dibelah. " Tong kosong nyaring bunyinya ." An empty drum gives loud sound. Meaning: A person who talks a lot usually is empty inside (of knowledge). " Tua-tua keladi, makin tua makin menjadi nakal ." The Older, The Worse Meaning: Older but instead of getting wiser, one gets naughtier. Tertawalah, dunia akan tertawa bersamamu. Menangislah dan kamu akan menangis sendirian! (Cape de kalo tiap hari diajak sedihin masalah sepelemu!) Tidak per...

Alfabet S

" Sambil menyelam minum air ." Drink water while diving Meaning: Do two things at one go " Sedia payung sebelum hujan ." Have an umbrella ready before the rain Meaning: Always be prepared " Sejelek-jelek pemimpin pasti punya anak buah, sebaik-baik pemimpin pasti punya musuh ." No matter how bad a leader is he/she will have followers, no matter how good a leader is he/she will have enemies. Meaning: There is always someone who loves you, and someone who hates you. " Sekali lancung ke ujian, seumur hidup orang tak percaya ." Once a person cheats in an exam, forever people will distrust him. Meaning: Once you lost the trust of someone, it is almost impossible to gain it back. " Sekali merengkuh dayung, dua tiga pulau terlampaui ." One stroke at the paddle, two and three islands have passed. Meaning: Do multiple tasks at one go. " Sekali bah, sekali pantai berubah " Once there is a flood, the beach will change Meaning: A change of...

Alfabet R

" Rajin pangkal pandai ." Meaning: diligence is the beginning of brilliance " Rumput tetangga selalu lebih hijau ." The neighbour's lawn/grass is always greener. Meaning: we are never satisfied with our posessions. .

Alfabet P

" Panas mentari di kepala orang banyak, panas hati dirasa sendiri ." The heat of the sun is felt by everybody, the heat in the heart can only be felt by oneself. Meaning: There is no point of nurturing a contempt/hate/anger inside us. " Patah tumbuh hilang berganti ." Whatever broken will grow back, whatever lost will be replaced. Meaning: There will be a replacement for everything. Usually is used to describe the undying spirit of a movement (for instance, during the struggle for independence.) Similar to: Mati satu tumbuh seribu. " Pikir dahulu pendapatan, sesal kemudian tidak berguna ." Thinking first is an asset, regret later is useless. Meaning: Think everything carefully before committing yourself because there is no point for regretting it later. " Pikir itu pelita hati ." Thought is the light of the heart Meaning: Think! " Pucuk dicinta ulam tiba ." Meaning: To get something one silently expects/wishes for.

Alfabet M

" Malu bertanya, sesat di jalan ." Embarrassed to ask will result in getting lost. Meaning: Asking question is the only way to learn " Mati satu tumbuh seribu ." One dead replaced by one thousand. Used to describe the undying spirit of a movement (for instance during the struggle for independence) Also: "Gugur satu tumbuh seribu." The word 'gugur' means similar as 'mati' (die), but it usually relates only with dead leaves (when a leaf dries it will fall from its tree) or somebody who dies in honour, like the heroes. Thus, "Gugur satu tumbuh seribu" sounds more patriotic than "Mati satu tumbuh seribu." " Memancing di air keruh ." Fishing in a murky water. Meaning: Taking advantage of a murky/confusing situation. " Memang lidah tidak bertulang ." The tongue indeed has no bone. Meaning: To describe, with disgust, a person who has no principle, who kept changing what he/she says, who is a big time liar. ...

Alfabet L

" Lain ladang lain belalang, lain lubuk lain ikannya ." Different fields have different insect, different ponds have different fish. Meaning: Different people have different personality. Meaning: Different background means different thinking. Meaning: Different culture means different custom. " Lancar kaji karena diulang, lancar jalan karena ditempuh ." We spell fluently because we keep repeating it. We know the route because we pass it often. Meaning: Be dilligent in learning. " Lebih baik satu burung ditangan dari pada sepuluh burung dipohon ." Better one bird in the hand than 10 birds on the tree. Meaning: Better something than nothing. " Lempar batu sembunyi tangan ." Throw a stone but hide the hand. Meaning: Someone who doesn't want to be responsible for his/her doing. " Luka di kaki, sakit seluruh badan ." A pain in the feet, the whole body feels it. Meaning: To describe a unity of a society

Alfabet K

" Kacang lupa kulitnya ." Translation: A nut forgets its shell This proverb is often used to illustrate a person who forgets where he/she come from (e.g. hometown, family, heritage, etc.) " Kalah jadi abu, menang jadi arang ." Translation: Loser becomes ashes, winner becomes (burnt) coal. This proverb is often used to illustrate a lose/lose situation, where both winner and loser gain nothing from the conflict. " Kalau tak ingin terlimbur pasang, jangan berumah di tepi laut ." If you don't want to get flooded, don't build a house next to the sea. " Kalo di hutan tak ada singa, beruk rabun bisa menjadi raja ." If there were no lion in the jungle, a blind monkey can be king. " Karena mulut badan binasa ." Because of the mouth the body is destroyed. " Karena nila setitik, rusak susu sebelanga ." One drop of indigo stains the whole cauldron of milk. The word "indigo" here means something like ink. Meaning: one ill...

Alfabet J

" Jadilah kumbang, hidup sekali di taman bunga, jangan jadi lalat, hidup sekali di bukit sampah ." Be a bee, lived once in a flowery garden, not a fly, lived once in heaps of garbage. Meaning: Try to be well and useful life. " Jadilah orang pandai bagai padi yang merunduk ." Be a smart man, like drooping paddy. Paddy droops more as it matures since its kernel is getting heavier. Meaning: To be a smart man you need to be humble. Or: A smart man is usually humble. See Tong kosong nyaring bunyinya .

Alfabet I

" Ingin hati memeluk gunung, apa daya tangan tak sampai ." Translation: The will of the heart is to hug the mountain, but the arm is not long enough. Meaning: This proverb is often used to illustrate a person who does not have enough resources to do/accomplish his goal/wish. " Isi lemak dapat ke orang, tulang bulu tinggal kita " Mendapat kesusahan, sementara orang lain dapat senangnya " Ijuk tak bersagar, lurah tak berbatu " Tidak mempunyai saudara yang disegani orang " Ikan sekambu rusak oleh ikan seekor " Karena kesalahan seseorang, orang banyak menanggung akibatnya .

Alfabet H

" Habis manis sepah dibuang ." Literally: Habis = Finished, Manis = Sweet, Sepah = Tasteless, Dibuang = Thrown away. Illustrated when someone is enjoying sugar canes: After the sweet part is finished and becomes tasteless, the cane is thrown away. Meaning: We only call our friends if we need help, and we don't help our friends in need (egoistic act) " Hati gajah sama dilapah, hati tungau sama dicecah " Translation: An elephant is still an elephant when flayed; a flea is still a flea if you proke at it. Meaning: You get what you get - if you get a lot of something, then you have a lot, if you get a small amount of something, you only have a small amount. . Berhemat sebelum habis Membiasakan hidup hemat agar memiliki persediaan untuk masa mendatang Memakan habis-habis, Menyuruh hilang hilang Bila dipercaya merahasiakan sesuatu hendaknya berusaha selalu menyimpannya baik-baik Habis manis sepah dibuang Dibuang setelah tidak diperlukan lagi Habis air setelaga arang d...

Alfabet G

" Gajah bertarung lawan gajah, pelanduk mati di tengah-tengah ." Elephants wage war against elephants, deers die in the midst Meaning: When prominent persons fights, commoners would suffer. " Gajah di pelupuk mata tak tampak, semut diseberang lautan tampak ." An elephant on the eyelid can't be seen, but an ant on the other side of the sea can. Meaning: An egoistic person can't realize his/her own mistakes, but can always find mistakes of others " Gajah mati meninggalkan gadingnya, macan mati meninggalkan belangnya, manusia mati meninggalkan namanya ." An elephant dies leaves its tusk, a tiger dies leaves its stripes, a person dies leaves his/her name. Meaning: Someone will be remembered by his/her accolades. " Gugur satu, tumbuh seribu ." One fallen, thousands blossoming. Meaning: Suggesting optimistic nature on facing struggle, the same as: "there still plenty of fish in the sea". " Guru kencing berdiri, murid kencing berl...

Alfabet D

" Dimana ada kemauan, di situ ada jalan ." Where there is a will, there is a way " Dimana bumi dipijak, disitu langit dijunjung ." Wherever ground is stood on, the sky is hold high Meaning: Wherever we live, we must observe the local custom. " Dimana tak da lang, aku lah lang, kata belalang ." Where there are no eagles, I am the one, said the grasshopper. Here's a rhyming play in the proverb. The first and second "lang" are Eagle = Elang, which rhymes with Grasshopper = Belalang. Meaning: Where's no top dogs, underdogs will be seen as one. " Duduk sama rendah, tegak sama tinggi ." Sitting the same low, standing the same height Meaning: Equality, emancipation. " Dunia tak selebar daun kelor ." The world isn't as wide as kelor leaves. Meaning: The opposite of It's A Small World. Usually to comfort a broken heart, suggesting "Hey, there are still plenty of girls/guys out there." . Belah dada lihatlah hat...

Alfabet C

" Cacing hendak jadi naga " A worm want to be dragon Mean : Contemptible man dream like a great man " Carik-carik bulu ayam, lama-lama bercantum juga " Perselisihan antar saudara akan berakhir dengan perdamaian " Cempedak berbuah nangka " Memperoleh lebih dari yang diharapkan .

Alfabet B

" Bagai air di daun talas ." Like water on a taro leaf. Talas leaves have a thin waxy layer and therefore are quite waterproof. Meaning: Two different things/people that do not get along. Sometimes used for a person who does not have a firm conviction. " Bagai aur dengan tebing " Like bamboo and the river bank Meaning: Each is dependent of the other for mutual survival. See also: "Bagai kuku dengan isi". " Bagai kerakap di atas batu, hidup segan mati tak mau ." Like a kerakap leaf on a rock, unwilling to live, unwilling to die. Kerakap is the wide leaf of sirih tree and is extraordinarily resilient and long lasting. However, as with other leaves, once plucked from the tree, it is bound to die. Meaning: Fighting a losing battle. " Bagai kuku dengan isi ." Like a fingernail and the flesh beneath. Meaning: Each is dependent on the other for mutual survival. See also: "Bagai aur dengan tebing". " Bagai makan buah simalakama...


KUMPULAN PERIBAHASA INDONESIA DAN ARTINYA   Alfabet A - Pribahasa merupakan suatu bentuk ungkapan yang terdapat dibenak fikiran kita yang diucapkan atau ditulis untuk melontarkannya. Beberapa contoh pribahasa indonesia yang berawalkan alfabet-A KUMPULAN PERIBAHASA INDONESIA DAN ARTINYA Alfabet "i"   “ Ada padi, segala menjadi ” Orang yang mampu segala maksudnya mudah tercapai . “ Ada paha ada kaki, ada nyawa ada rezeki ”. Setiap orang mempunyai rezeki dan jodohnya sendiri. “ Air beriak tanda tak dalam ”. orang yang banyak bicara biasanya tidak banyak ilmunya. “Abu di atas tanggul”. Jabatan duniawi setinggi apapun bersifat tidak langgeng. “Ada rotan , ada duri”. Dalam kesenangan tentu ada kesusahannya. “Air tenang menghanyutkan” . orang yang kelihatannya pendiam, namun ternyata banyak menyimpan ilmu pengetahuan dalam pikirannya. “Air tenang jangan disangka tiada buayanya”. orang pendiam belum tentu penakut. Baca juga : ...